DNPA Code of Ethics

NCR Breakings (, committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, adheres to the following Code of Ethics, adapted from the DNPA principles, to ensure integrity and transparency in all our operations.


Our associates are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards in all company affairs. This policy aims to ensure that all business is conducted with integrity, in compliance with applicable laws, and without personal gain or advantage.

1. Gifts, Favors, Entertainment, and Payments

  • Given by NCR Breakings: We may offer gifts, favors, and payments that adhere to the following:
    • Consistent with accepted business practices.
    • Of limited value and not construed as a bribe.
    • Compliant with applicable laws and ethical standards.
    • Public disclosure would not embarrass the company.
    • Payments to associates of customers outside of written contracts are prohibited.
  • Received by NCR Breakings Associates: Associates must not solicit or accept gifts, favors, entertainment, or payments without a legitimate business purpose. Personal loans from those doing or seeking to do business with NCR Breakings are prohibited (except for conventional loans at market rates from lending institutions).
    • Acceptable Courtesies: Common business courtesies like business lunches/dinners (occasionally including spouses, if the vendor invites), small promotional gifts (calendars, pens), and vendor-offered tickets to events (with vendor attendance and prior company approval) are acceptable. Overnight outings are acceptable under the same conditions. Receipt of alcohol is discouraged. Perishable holiday gifts are acceptable.
    • Strict Standards for Suppliers: Stricter standards apply to gifts from suppliers. Day outings (golf, fishing, etc.) are acceptable with prior company approval and vendor attendance (family participation is not acceptable). Use of vendor facilities (vacation homes) for personal use is prohibited unless the vendor is present for a limited duration (once per year, long weekend) with prior company approval. Cash or cash equivalents (stocks, securities) are never acceptable.
    • Management associates should not accept gifts of more than limited value from those they supervise.

2. Conflicts of Interest

Associates must avoid situations that could create a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of NCR Breakings. Acting in the company’s best interest is paramount. Any potential conflict must be promptly disclosed in writing to their manager. Conflicts include:

  • Significant financial interest by the associate or their family in an enterprise doing or seeking to do business with, or competing with, NCR Breakings.
  • Serving as a director, officer, partner, consultant, or in a managerial/technical capacity with such an outside enterprise (exceptions require CEO approval).
  • Acting as a broker or intermediary for a third party in transactions involving NCR Breakings.
  • Any other circumstances, including personal relationships, that could hinder the associate from acting in the company’s best interest.

3. Confidential Information

Unauthorized disclosure or use of confidential product information, data, plans, or any information detrimental to NCR Breakings is prohibited. Unauthorized access to or mishandling of confidential information, especially personnel data, is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

4. Compliance

Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Associates aware of any violations must report them to management. All vice presidents and officers are responsible for compliance within their areas of responsibility. Contact the appropriate management for any questions.

5. Social Media Guidelines

  • Use Good Judgment: Remember that online posts are public and permanent. Perception is reality.
  • Understand Social Media: This includes all online communication and content posting.
  • Respect Company Policies: Comply with this policy and all employee handbook policies. Inappropriate postings (discriminatory remarks, harassment, threats) will not be tolerated.
  • Personal Responsibility: You are responsible for your posts.
  • Speak for Yourself: Express personal views, not the company’s. If posting about NCR Breakings, identify yourself as an employee and include a disclaimer that views are your own.
  • Be Respectful and Professional: Avoid malicious, obscene, threatening, or disparaging content. Refrain from false, misleading, defamatory, or privacy-invading posts. This policy does not restrict legally protected activities like discussing wages or working conditions.
  • Be Honest and Accurate: Ensure accuracy and correct any mistakes promptly.
  • Respect Laws and Confidentiality: Respect all laws, including copyright, trademark, and privacy laws. Do not disclose confidential company or personal information without authorization.
  • Report Concerns: Report any suspected policy violations to management. Retaliation for reporting concerns is prohibited.

6. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

7. Fairness

Reporters must seek both sides of a story, providing those subject to accusations an opportunity to respond.