PM Rojgar Loan Scheme: Loan from 5 lakh to 50 lakh for employment, know the whole process

PM Rojgar Loan Scheme: It is a scheme of the government in which the government provides this loan to all the unemployed youth who want to get their own employment. This loan amount is between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 50 lakh. The kind of industry you want to set up. This loan amount will be given to you depending on the type of your project.

The special thing is that 35% of the money you get in this loan is given to you, the remaining 65% of the money has to be given to you, that is, if you get ₹1 lakh, then you have to pay only 65000 and the government will waive the remaining 35000 rupees, then how will you apply for it, which candidate will be able to apply, understand in the whole process:

What is the Prime Minister’s Self-Employment Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Self-Employment Scheme (PMRY) is a government scheme that aims to provide self-employment opportunities to unemployed youth. The scheme was launched in 1993 and its main goal is to provide financial support and training to the youth to start their own business.

Who can apply for Pradhan Mantri Swarojgar Yojana?

If they are unemployed, they want to do any kind of employment, then their age should be 18 years, they can apply for it, it was also told that your income limit is not necessary to apply for that you are earning income, only then you will get the benefit of it, it is not necessary, you can apply for it

Even people without income, your minimum qualification will be eighth pass will be the eighth, the eighth candidate can apply for it, in the manufacturing sector, it was told here that you can get a loan of Rs 10 lakh, if you provide any kind of service, you will be able to get an assistance amount of up to Rs 500000, existing units will not have support letters, which means that those who are already doing any kind of employment will not be eligible for it,

They will not apply for such candidates, they want to renew any kind of employment and keep a dog by doing employment, in which we give less to 5, 10 such people like me, this has been brought for such people.

What are the terms and conditions for benefitting from Pradhan Mantri Swarojgar Yojana?

What is the required document for Pradhan Mantri Swarojgar Yojana?

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