
BOB E Mudra Loan Apply: Get ₹50,000 Mudra Loan In 5 Minutes

BOB E Mudra Loan : In today’s times, when most people want to start their own business, taking a loan has become a major necessity. Especially, in the digital age, you can easily apply for an e-mudra loan online without going to the bank.

Bank of Baroda (BOB) has extended the facility of e-Mudra loan to its customers, which allows you to apply for a loan in just 5 minutes without hassle and hassle. Let’s know about BOB e-Mudra Loan in detail in this article.

What is BOB e-Mudra Loan?

Under the Mudra Loan Scheme, Bank of Baroda offers loans colouring from Rs 50,000 to Rs 10 lakh. The scheme is designed to give small entrepreneurs and startups a boost to their business. The application process for the loan is completely online and has been made convenient and simple.

Eligibility to take BOB E Mudra Loan

If you want to take an e-Mudra loan from Bank of Baroda, you have to fulfil the following conditions:

  1.  Indian Citizenship: The applicant must be a resident of India.
  2.  Civil Score: Your credit score should be good and satisfactory.
  3. Age limit: The applicant should be at least 18 years of age.
  4. Required Documents: You must have all the mandatory documents present.

Required documents

The following documents will be required for e-Mudra Loan:

  • Aadhaar card
  • Mobile number linked to Aadhaar
  • PAN Card
  • Bank account details
  • Business related documents (if loan is being taken for)

 Benefits of BOB E Mudra Loan

Faster process: Apply online without going to the bank and get the loan amount within 24 hours.

  • Digital facility: The facility to complete the entire process sitting at home.
  • Less Documentation: Apply with basic documents only.
  • Business Promotion: Financial support to small and medium businesses for expansion.

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